Opening hours
Monday to Thursday, 10am to 3pm


The allowance from Barsilsskipanin is based on the employee's monthly average A-income over the last 12 months before the leave. However, it cannot be more than 30,000 DKK per month. If you have paid your employee more than that, you will not be reimbursed for the amount that goes over 30,000 DKK, and you can never get more than the employee is entitled to.  

Statutory labour market fees

If your employee's average monthly A-income is higher than the salary you pay them, but not higher than 30,000 DKK, you are also reimbursed for the statutory labour market fees that are related to parental leave, i.e. the parental benefit fund (barsilsskipanin), the occupational disease fund (vinnusjúkugrunnurin), unemployment fund (ALS) and the labour market pension fund (AMEG). However, you will not be reimbursed for the holiday with pay, holiday benefits or holiday allowance, that the employee is entitled to according to the Holidays Act. 

Increase in salary

If the salary of an employee increases during his/her leave, for example, according to seniority or because of a contract amendment, you must notify Barsilsskipanin of this change.

Don't pay the full salary?

When you do not pay the full salary to an employee on parental leave, for example, if you pay half pay for 48 weeks after childbirth, then you are only entitled to half pay for 44 weeks from Barsilsskipanin.

Work during the parental leave

If you, as an employer, receive parental allowance from Barsilsskipanin, for an employee that takes up work during the parental leave, this is set off against your parental allowance, or you will be billed for the days the employee in question has worked. However, if the employee's salary is higher than 30,000 DKK a month, it does not affect the parental allowance. 

Several employers

If there are several employers who pay salaries to the same person, and the parental allowance from Barsilsskipanin does not cover each of their expenses, the reimbursement is calculated by dividing the monthly salary in the parental leave, that one employer pays, with the monthly salary in the parental leave, that all the employers pay, and multiply it by 30,000. 

Date of payment

The payments go through monthly, is usually in the account at the end of the month.

See the calendar on the main page, or in the links to the right, for an overview of the payment dates. 

Change the account number

Payments are made to the bank account stated in the application. If you want to change the account number, you must inform us before the last weekday of the month. If you change the account number after this, the payment might be made to your old account.

Duty to report changes

You have a duty to notify Barsilsskipanin of any changes in circumstance which might affect your allowance. This could be, for example, changes in salary, discharge, work during the parental leave and so on.

Call Barsilsskipanin on 35 26 00 Monday to Thursday between 10 am and 3 pm or send a letter to TAKS, Smyrilsvegur 20, Postboks 2151, 110 Tórshavn.

If you provide Barsilsskipanin with incorrect information or if you withhold information, Barsilsskipanin can demand that you repay the received allowance.