Opening hours
Monday to Thursday, 10am to 3pm


The allowance from Barsilsskipanin is based on your monthly average A-income over the last 12 months before the leave. However, it cannot be more than 30,000 DKK per month. If you have earned less than 30,000 DKK a month, you will receive a smaller amount accordingly. If you have earned more than 30,000 DKK, on a monthly average, you must make do with the 30,000 DKK, unless you have a different arrangement with your employer. In addition to the allowance, you also get a 11% obligatory pension contribution. 

Certain matters may affect your allowance. Read on to learn more about these. 

Paid work during the paternity leave

If you receive A-income for work during the paternity leave, this income is either set off against the allowance and it decreases accordingly, or you will be billed for the days you were working. Income after the first 30,000 DKK a month does not affect the paternity allowance. 

B-income is not set off against the paternity allowance. 

Part-time work

It is a requirement that when you receive paternity allowance, you must also be away from work to care for your child. If you are away from work 100% of the time, you will also receive 100% of the paternity allowance that you are entitled to. If you are away from work 50% of the time, you will receive 50% of the paternity allowance and so on.

For example, say you have two A-income jobs and would like to keep one of them during the paternity leave. Then the income from the work you carry on with is not included in the calculation of the paternity allowance.

Another example could be that you start a part-time job while you are still on paternity leave. In this case, the income from the new job is set off against the paternity allowance and your allowance decreases accordingly. Please note that being a member of a committee is also considered a part-time job if you receive A-income from it. Should you want to continue as a committee member while on paternity leave, please let Barsilsskipanin know the name and VAT-number (V-tal in Faroese) of the employer, as well as the period of work.

B-income is not set off against the paternity allowance.

New on the labour market

If you have been working for less than 12 months prior to the paternity leave, this will be taken into account when calculating your allowance.

You count as new on the labour market, if you:

  • have been in education and then started working,
  • have been in education and then received unemployment benefits,
  • it is the first time you have a job.

If you are new on the labour market, you must enter the date you started working in field 4 on the application form "Application for parental allowance, employee".

The allowance is then worked out by dividing your overall income with the number of months you have been working. However, the calculation cannot be based on less than three months.

For example, say you have been on the labour market for four months before your parental leave starts, then your allowance is calculated by dividing what you have earned with four. If you have been on the labour market for less than three months before the parental leave, what you have earned is divided by 12.

Date of payment

The payments are made monthly in arrears. The money is usually in your account at the end of the month.

See the calendar on the main page, or in the links to the right, for an overview of the payment dates. 

Change your account number

Payments are made to the bank account stated in the application. If you want to change the account number, you must inform us before the last weekday of the month. If you change the account number after this, the payment might be made to your old account.

Duty to report changes

You have a duty to notify Barsilsskipanin of any changes in circumstance which might affect your allowance. This could be, for example, if you work during the paternity leave, if you move to another country, cannot stay at home with the child and so on.

Call Barsilsskipanin on 35 26 00 Monday to Thursday between 10 am and 3 pm. Alternatively, report the changes to TAKS via Mínboks or by post to TAKS, Smyrilsvegur 20, Postboks 2151, 110 Tórshavn.

If you provide Barsilsskipanin with incorrect information or if you withhold information, Barsilsskipanin can demand that you repay the received allowance.